La petite histoire de la Boutique Planète Bébé
Anne-Marie V

My name is Anne-Marie and I am the proud mother and CEO of Boutique Planète Bébé. Here is the little story of the Boutique.


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Being all together: the BLOG of the Planète Bébé Boutique

Semaine mondiale de l'allaitement maternel
allaitement bébé boutique planète bébé gatineau maman nutrition

World Breastfeeding Week

By Pascale de Montigny

Did you know that World Breastfeeding Week begins today? From October 1 to 7, don't be surprised to see around you many more parents calling...

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L'érythème fessier chez les bébés
bébé bobo couches érythème fessier fesses

Diaper rash in babies

By Pascale de Montigny

The arrival of a baby is a time of happiness with many challenges. With a considerable change in our routine, we must also take care...

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Un autre article sur le sommeil des bébés
bébé dodo écharpe porte-bébé préformé sling sommeil

Another article on baby sleep

By Boutique Planète Bébé

I've read books about it, about baby sleep. I peeled the blogs right and left. I really tried to find myself there. I looked for...

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La petite histoire de la Boutique Planète Bébé
#boutiqueplanetebebe achat local bébé boutique planète bébé gatineau maman portage tout-petit

The little story of the Planète Bébé Boutique

By Anne-Marie V

My name is Anne-Marie and I am the proud mother and CEO of Boutique Planète Bébé. Here is the little story of the Boutique.

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